Pundits, political operatives, and news outlets had been warning of the Kerry curse in this election and during the convention. Four years ago, while being "swiftboated," Senator and Presidential Hopeful, John Kerry failed to remind his supporters that they were not only voting for him but against the policies of the Bush administration. After eight years of Republican domination, it was a mistake that the Dem's couldn't afford to make again so Biden's task was simple: build up Obama and point out the shortcomings of the Bush administration. Joe Biden was chosen as VP to counter John McCain's "straight-talk express" with what I like to call the "real-talk express." So? While Obama delivers the hope, Biden articulates the rally call of the progressive masses, "John McCain was wrong!"
That night, Biden echoed the sentiments of a war-weary nation in saying, “Our country is less secure and more isolated than at any time in recent history. The Bush-McCain foreign policy has dug us into a very deep hole, with very few friends to help us climb out." He brought the lofty Dem's down to earth with a simple bit of wisdom that his mother gave to him as a boy. After being beat-up, she said, "bloody the other guy's nose so you can walk down the street again." That was the message that the Democrats needed going into a general election. We can be positive and stick to the issues but politics is a full contact sport.
Months ago, joe Biden came under fire for referring to Barack Obama as "articulate" and "clean." In his brash and bumbling way, it was a compliment. After seeing his performance tonight on behalf of Obama, I will return the favor. Joe Biden, you are one articulate dude and that suit was clean!
Lackluster and safe. Yes, Joe Biden is articulate and clean and he has the prototypical politician smile. He is the very un-extra-ORDINARY politician who can either dim Obama's star or cast it in an even brighter light.
I personally wanted Edwards to be the running mate pre-Monica Lewinsky part II episode. But when I got the text (yes, I signed up for the text notification that came at 3 in the morning), I said to myself, "Biden?!" I had to think really hard just to remember who the hell that was. And as America debriefed itself via CNN on Biden's life, political career, and lawn, I was struck by how unstiking he was.
No matter how Obamified I am, I can never see myself being Bidenfied...but maybe that's the point. People have struggled to grasps Obama's simple state of being, much less his politically innovative message of real change. So, if there were to be another radical pill to swallow, from the white woman to the white womanizer (Edwards), it may have been a ticket with too much bang for the buck.
Biden is the perfect White-Man-In-Charge counterpart that Edwards should have been, except he has more experience, and no illegitimate children, as of yet.
The one thing that really bothers me about his speech, besides his crooked tie, was that it was such a typical formula...decent opener, boring dreariness, and a "God Bless America" at the end to get a good clap. Almost...*gasp*...Republican!
I just hope Biden can bite it and not say anything that will get us in trouble.
"I just hope Biden can bite it and not say anything that will get us in trouble."
He will. But Obama will sink another jump shot and we'll forget about it. YES WE CAN!
(He's great for the "Obama's attack Dog", AKA "Dick Cheney" role)
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